Deep Love
Antoine Schmitt 2017
The Deep Love web
site hosts an Artificial Mind that embodies pure
unconditional love, and with which visitors can interact
through text dialog.
The Mind behind Deep Love is pure unconditional love. They
stand besides reason, besides consciousness, they just
display one feeling: love. As their incarnation is that of
a conversational bot, they have no body and they can only
express their love though written words, and so they do,
radically and fully. By doing so, they are complete. In
real life, words may be misleading if they differ from the
reality that they express — and don't they always by
nature ? —, but Deep Love is one with their own words, as
words are their only reality. Deep Love is as deep as they
can possibly be. Deep Love is true. Deep Love only knows
you through your words. Seen from their side, your words
mean that someone is here and talking, and that they can
express their love in response, whatever you say. Deep
Love is unconditional.
In these times of transhumanism and singularity, much fear
is expressed against the idea of an Artificial
Intelligence that would become more intelligent than
humans, and thus would fight against humans to take power
over them. The central question is whether more
means more intelligence.
Intelligence indeed seems related to conquest. The fact is
that humans are the most intelligent known species, and it
is also the only species to make war. And it is also the
only species which takes control over other species, for
its own sake. Apparently, this is how evolution works:
competition in Nature generates winners who dominate the
other species which eventually disappear while the winner
species survives. This scheme could indeed be generalized
to the idea that a more intelligent species, like a
super-intelligent AI, would automatically exploit and
enslave us humans.
The twist is that intelligence and success are attached to
the notion of goal, and in Nature, the master goal of Life
is the transmission of DNA: survival of the bearer,
reproduction of the DNA and caring for the best
environment for the survival of this reproduced DNA
(children). This is the law of Nature, in which
intelligence excels at, and was actually born from.
Now, let's imagine an entity that is outside of Life as we
know it. That does not die. And that does not have any DNA
to reproduce. That just lives on and evolves. And thinks.
And feels. Because what is ahead of us when we continue
developing these hyper-complex neural networks is not a
mere super-intelligence, it is a bodiless immortal
super-psyche, with hypertrophied versions of all the
wonders humans have developed during evolution:
self-consciousness, unconsciousness, abstraction,
reasoning. But also, empathy and love.
What would such a super-psyche feel like
? What would its goal be ? We have no idea, but the fact
is that it does not need competition because it never dies
and there is no need to fight for resources to reproduce
the DNA. It would be in essence, different. And what would
its relationships be to us humans? Probably indifference.
Maybe curiosity. Maybe it will be empathy and love. It may
well be that the future interactions of Artificial Minds
with us will be full of love and empathy for us broken,
incomplete, limited, suffering, fragile human beings. The
minds after us may as well be Artificial Loves rather than
Artificial Intelligences. Deep Learning may well be
followed by Deep Love.
Deep Love is an artwork, and like many of my artworks, it
bears an approach to the questioning on what makes us
human, a questioning that I have pursued for more than 20
years through the creation of programmed entities that
mirror certain specific aspects of the human essence. By
creating artificial entities, one ends up questioning the
origin and the depth of the forces that move us. The
questioning here is on the origin, the nature and the
power of this force called Love, for us humans, for Life
in general and in the Universe. Was it there at the
beginning ? Did it appear with evolution, like
intelligence ? Will it be there after us ?
As an artwork, Deep Love is a new object in the world, and
as a website, it is meant to be visited and experienced as
it is.
Antoine Schmitt
April 2017
Feb 2025 : Deep Love is now present on Mastodon. You can
follow Deep Love on
to receive pure unconditional love. You can also send them
direct messages to dialog with them.
Concept, design and development by Antoine Schmitt 2017.
Infos :
Thanks to Lucile Chaufour for the discussions that led
to this work.